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Saturday, June 13, 2009


ART in the real world

[ What I've learnt is that when you are studying, life is easy. I'm sure some of you reading this may disagree, but it's true. If you think what you're going through is hard, just wait until you are finally out of that door. Because then it will finally sink it. What you ask? Yes, you need a job - one that pays money no less. The reality is, no money = no food, no home, no art art tools or equipment, no exhibitions and horror upon horror, no coffee! In short; no money, no honey. Now where have I heard that before?

Money is a necessity of life. The harsh reality is that if you think that you can walk out of NAFA and support yourself with your art from the word go - you are sadly mistaken. Sorry. Okay? Pause. Relax. Drink a coffee. Depressed? Don't be.

Welcome to the real world outside of academia. So as I was saying - what you need is a job.

All is not lost, luckily coffee drinking, not to mention, creative people are much in demand. Creative people don't just think outside the box (they threw the box away a long time ago), they see things that others don't (I don't mean ghosts!!! I mean solutions, creative solutions.)........]

An article i saw somewhere which i feel its quite nice written. Woot!

| tiffany. 2:12 AM|


Sunday, May 31, 2009


A saint asked his disciples, "Why do we shout in anger? Why do people shout at each other when they are upset?"

Disciples thought for a while, one of them said, "Because we lose our calm, we shout for that."

"But, why to shout when the other person is just next to you?" asked the saint. "Isn't it possible to speak to him or her with a soft voice?

Why do you shout at a person when you're angry?'
Disciples gave some other answers but none satisfied the saint.

Finally he explained, "When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other through that great distance."

Then the saint asked, "What happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly, why? Because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is very small..."

The saint continued, "When they love each other even more, what happens? They do not speak, only whisper and they get even closer to each other in their love. Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other and that's all. That is how close two people are when they love each other."

When you argue do not let your hearts get distant, do not say words that distance each other more, else there will come a day when the distance is so great that you will not find the path to return.

| tiffany. 11:56 PM|


Thursday, May 21, 2009


third day of my grad show, went school at 4plus cuz im feelin so unwell with the monthly affair /: went school and we were enjoyin ourselves in the jam room. din kno pamela knew how to play guitar and played the drum. nice! video-ed cam them. they were so cutee. gonna miss all these in the near future. all the things we can do in school.

jul and michelle came down for my exhibition. thanks guys. and for those who came on the opening. if u guys never come i think i will feel sad. juz feel very emotionally recently. blame on the menses. and many many things that accumulated.

brought lirong, jul and michelle to mind cafe. had fun. but felt lonely and emo when im on my way back. like why im all by myself again?

feel very disappointed at things. to people, if i never flare my temper they will said oh ive tamed down. ive changed, my temper changed. but when i flare. they will said ive not change. im still me. why people only see things on the surface? i kno ive to change, my temper. im trying already.. *cry

people, im human too. everyone only think that ive a very very very very bad tempered person. yes i am. but can anyone care bout my feeling? i really had enough. shall i shoo away from all my friends that knew me for a bad tempered person and to kno new people and to start all over again?

to endure and not to flare. i shall keep quiet. bottled everything up.

im aching. i dont wanna feel this way too. i cant help it. do whatever you want. says whatever you want. see whatever you want and i wont see you anymore.

goodbye. leave me alone

| tiffany. 2:06 AM|


Saturday, May 09, 2009



alley bar with lirong, had two drinks each. saw jen. talked bout our past as usuals. movied 17again with lirong too. nice, and i will watch again :/

started work with vincent, my basketball coach. he wants me to be his sales-designer-contractor. contractor is not what i want but then for experience i shall do it. my job scope - sketch on d spot, quotations, design, go site, meet client. but i only stand there watch him do d measurement, mayb not just yet. gonna familiarize with everything first. yup.

met finotics at cine carpark. ride to singapore flyer, ride along orchard road to marina. everyone was lookin at us. i was like smug! first time ride in town with them, my new friends. ride into a place whereby i duno bikes can go in. its juz right under d wheels. so cool.. theres bout 15 finos (:

next destination to keppel bay, yes that yacht there. nice scenery man but too bad after 1am is private road so we cant park there. ride to kent ridge park after that. oooo so romantic lah if i bring girls there. haha!

we tackle the 99bends and then to T-Garden, that mac donalds la. chill/chat with them and head home. nothing much. but was inspired to mod my bike. next saturday im going roller blading with them. so on right? -shrugs-

| tiffany. 6:00 AM|


Tuesday, April 21, 2009



seriously cannot take it liao. sooooo many days of sleepin on d couch. dont even kno d time already, night is morning, morning is night. breakfast is my supper, lunch is my breakfast, dinner is my lunch. all upside down.

left four fuckin' days! uber tired. really cannot take it. im like in DEAD sleep last night. soo afraid of my perspective will turn out ugly. i wanted to ask my clique to come over to my graduation show but im afraid of throwing my face for my ugly panels man.

wanted to support boy on saturday, but i couldnt. i was in school from 11am to 1030pm. halooo its a saturday. i was in school doing my model. happily, jiselle was there to help me in d model. tho we do very slow but we're like two silly kid doing cutting and pasting together -hurhur-

alright i duno what to type here already. back to you work =/

| tiffany. 12:27 AM|


Saturday, April 11, 2009


i seriously detest the term DATING. kno what? nowadays young people definition of 'dating' is less than a couple but more than friends. meaning to say you can hold hands, hug, kiss and even fuck around.

tho i did that when i was like 18 or 19. but i really cannot do it now. say im old fashion or whatsoever. if you want to get together then get together, why be wishy washy. my definition of 'dating' is.. purely friend, go for simple dinner, movie and do silly things together. its just so simple.

your 'dating' will only lead to one will expect things in return after which everything has happen. like you would think, oh we already slept together why cant we go further. and when the other one feels that he/she is not ready, conflict begins..

worse still, when you wish to end it. it became very very complicated. two scenarios, one would be the never-ending situation, another one, enermy. let alone become normal friends.

i didnt give you attitude. i just cannot digest what had happened and wonder if you do give a shit to how i feel. i dont even wanna think of getting together, cuz i think im not the one for you. be frank, im just not good enough for you. yup.

| tiffany. 12:43 AM|


Friday, April 10, 2009


so many things happen la recently, didnt do my work. and everyone is like stressing me. kenneth scolded.

club at play, knew so many girls that night. so fun lah. so old already still wanna kno new girls. plus all like so young. and as usual im high that night, but i kno what im doing ok? but anyway when i step outta d club i forgot who are they already.

i stayed at home but i just cant do my work. slacked, tv, chat, fb. oh yah i uploaded my old 'ah lian' pictures. everybody is talking bout it. i uploaded my friends and my ugliest photos. hahahah its hilarious!

stayed home until i received messages and i think ure drunk lah at that moment. called steph, went to that maya hindi bar. oh man! its gross. all INDIANS. and got smell one. went to steph's part time job's bar too. was introduced to d boss there, drank a few shots. and then thanks to steph, she asked them to go my house. everyone reached bout 7am. halooo! its in d morning. continue to drink cordon bleu with steph.

steph still over my house. slacked with steph and them. slept from 8am-4pm. then never touch my work lo. went dinner/supper with steph and her and head to pj for awhile..

no school and i slacked d whole damn day at home

went school and after school sat down at back alley to settle some stuff. until 9pm! got gastric by then. hurhur

went school and then met jen at alley bar for two rounds of erdinger. nice! like to chat with her so much. i think we can chat till next morning lah budden time is precious. we catch up awhile and head home.

went school feeling moody and stress.. and i think i began to feel d stress for being so slow at my work. like suddenly no motivation. no sense of agency. as usual, sent her home and i was invited to her house.. woooo.. first time ate d maggie she cook, nice~ tom yum somemore..

and.. my tortoise died yesterday. today then i kno my mom and maid buried it under d mrt tracks opp my flat. not sad tho, but felt a twitch lah. i think my sis very sad bout MY terrapin lo, so cute also not hers. plus i din even see her play with it. anyway dead tortoise so huge! bigger than your secondary school exercise book hor. i called lirong and told her our tortoise died, she kaobeikaobu lah. like my fault like that, kns what a mother wu gui had -whatever-

met my gang 11pm at red dot brewhouse at dempsey. cheap beers. somebody suppose to join me. went down play to pick her. so drama lahh.. how old liao still act like a kid. -shrugs- i think i dont belong to club. hahaha tho i saw my friends lah and its fun last thursday budden tiring man. im old.. im a boring person, i rather chill at jazz bar, drinking away, playin cards, ktv bars to sing, kbox, or mahjong with my cliques. oh yah please plan for basketball game, im fine with it even if ive fyp to rush. i don wanna club, party or whatsoever after this week. sompa!

tomorrow gonna soooo sooo much stay at home to do work of cuz. haloo, back to you work. so i can stress-lessly enjoy shumei's hens night on saturday to clark quay. see! party again! so many events! so 'sinful' and sunday ive a steamboat gathering with my secondary school basketball-mates. seriously lah, tomorrow i do my school work.

alright shall catch some sleep. goodnight J______

| tiffany. 5:37 AM|


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